24 Hr fire sprinkler emergency service | A&A Fire Protection
In the event of an emergency with your fire sprinkler system, A&A Fire Protection prides itself on being available to customers 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. A&A Fire Protection will act quickly and in a responsive manner to ensure our clients receive the assistance they need. Our maximum response time is two hours*.
We realize you may need our services during evenings, weekends and holidays. Call us anytime for advice or service about any problem you may have concerning your fire sprinkler system. From our 24-hour on call personnel, to our owners’ home numbers, we ensure that you will speak to a live person and receive prompt attention. We believe that our commitment to meet the needs of our customers is what sets us apart from the rest.
Emergency Contact List
A&A Fire Protection Office Phone: 864-859-9700 Jake Gilstrap cell: 864-304-6422 Bo McCrary cell: 864-329-6667
* In most cases, however it is dependent on travel time from Greenville.